Abi Wallenstein's BluesCulture www.bluesculture.com

ACA-coustic www.aca-coustic.de

Acoustic Affinity www.acoustic-affinity.com

Al Jones Blues Band www.aljones.de


Albie Donnelly’s Big Thing www.superchargeonline.de

Andy Egert Blues Band www.andyegert.ch

Andy Irvine Group www.andyirvinebass.com

Artillerie Lourde www.artillerielourde.de

Atomic Rodeo www.atomic-rodeo.de

Astrid Barth & Philipp Römer www.gesangundgitarre.de

Austin, Catasso, Kelly - a very special Tribute to Hendrix www.myspace.com.com/austincatassokelly

Aynsley Lister www.aynsleylister.co.uk

Babajack www.babajack.com

Bas Parrdekoper & The Blew Crue www.baspaardekooper.com

B.B. & The Blues Shacks www.bluesshacks.com

Beatbox and Blues www.chris-kramer.de.com

Ben Prestage www.benprestagemusic.com

Bernd Rinser's Driftwood www.berndrinser.de

Big Buddy Blue www.bigbuddyblue.com

Big Daddy Wilson & Doc Fozz www.wilsonb.de ------------- > Doc Fozz

B. Bop & The B. Boppers www.www.abdell-b-bop.com

Big Pete Pearson www.bigpeteblues.com

Black Cat Bone www.black-cat-bone.de

Black Market Baby http://www.reverbnation.com/blackmarketIII

Blue Mama (mit div. Bands) http://www.bluemama.de

Blues Blend www.bluesblend.de

Blues Bones www.bluesbones.be

Blues Company www.bluescompany.de

Blues Eaters www.blues-eaters.fr

Blues Move www.bluesmove.co.uk

Blues On www.blueson.de

Blues Passengers www.matthreischl.de

Bob Malone www.bobmalone.com

Bob Stroger www.myspace.com/bobstroger

Bobby Jones www.deltagrooveproductions.com/projrct/bobby-jones

Boo Boo Davis Band www.booboodavis.com

Boogie Connection www.boogie-connection.de

Boogie Project www.boogie-project.de

Boogie Rockets www.boogierockets.de

Brian Augers Oblivion Express   www.brianauger.com

Britt Jansen www.brittjansen.nl

Bryan Lee & The Blues Power Band www.braillebluesdaddy.com

Bugs Henderson & The Shuffle Kings www.bugshenderson.com

Carlos del Junco & Band www.carlosdeljunco.com

Carvin Jones www.carvinjones.com

Cash Box Kings www.cashboxkings.com

Cassie Taylor www.cassietaylorband.com


Cee Cee James Mission of SOUL www.missionofsoul.com

Cherry Pickers Dixieland Band Chris Beard www.chrisbeard1.com

Chris Ruest Band www.chrisruest.com

CG & The Hammer www.cgandthehammer.com

Claude Bourbon www.myspace.com/claudebourbon

Cliff Stevens www.cliffstevens.com

Cologne Blues Club www.cologne-blues-club.de

Connie Lush & BluesShouter www.connielush.com

Cornerstone www.cornerstone-baby.de

Crazy Chris Kramer www.chris-kramer.de

Dallas Hodge www.dallashodge.com

Dani Wilde www.daniwilde.com

Danny and the Wonderbras www.dannyandthewonderbras.de

Danny Bryants RedEyeBand www.redeyeband.co.uk

Danny Giles Band www.myspace.com/dannygilesband

Dave Goodman Band www.davegoodman.co.uk

Davide Pannozzo www.davidepannozzo.com

Delta Moon www.deltamoon.com

Dennis Flacheberg Band www.flacheberg.dk

DD Mende Bluesmachine www.myspace.com/ddmende

Der Telök www.teloek.de

Don P. & The Blue Jags www.donp.ch

Don Promillo’s Bluesrausch

Donald Ray Johnson www.donaldray.com

Doug Deming Band www.dougdeming.com

Doug Jay & The Blue Jays www.dougjay.com ---------- > Doug Jay

Dr Vielgut www.dr-vielgut.net

Dylan Night www.dylan-night.de

Eamonn McCormack www.eamonnmccormack.net

Eddie Devilboy Turner www.eddieturnermusic.com

Egidio Juke Ingals & The Jacknives www.egidioingala.com

Elles Bailey www.ellesbailey.com

Elizabeth Lee’s Cozmic Mojo www.elizabethleecozmicmojo.com

Embryo www.embryo.de

Eric Steckel   www.ericsteckel.com

Eric Noden www.ericnoden.com

Fabian Anderhub www.anderhub-music.com

Fabro www.fabro.de

Farrell & Black Band

Fast Eddy’s Blue Band www.fasteddysblueband.de

Filisko & Noden www.filisko.com

Fleck www.fleckmusic.de

Flo Bauer Blues Project www.flobaurbluesproject.fr

Flowers of The Night www.flowersofthenight.de

Fossen & Struijk Band www.chicagoblues.nl

Franck Goldwasser www.www.franckgoldwasser.net

Frankfurt City Blues Band www.frankfurtcitybluesband.de

Fred & The Healers www.fred-and-the-healers.be

G-Men www.the-g-men.de

Georg Schröter und Marc Breitfelder www.bluestour.de

Get The Cat www.getthecat.de

Gigolo Reinhardt Swingtett

Glen Turnerwww.glen-turner.de

Goschehobel www.goschehobel.de

Grana Louise & Troublemaker www.granalouise.com

Guitar Crusher www.guitarcrusher.com

Guitar Ray & the Gamblers www.bluesgamblers.com

Hamilton Loomis www.hamiltonloomis.com

Hannes Bauers Orchester Gnadenlos www.hannes-bauer.de

Hans Blues & Boogie www.hans-blues.com


Hatuey www.hatuey.info

Heavy Hitters Acoustic Project www.vdelli.com

Henrik Freischlader Band www.henrik-freischlader.de

Henry Carpaneto Band www.henrycarpaneto.com

Henry Heggen & The Crazy Hambones www.henryheggen.de

Hootin’ The Blues www.hootingtheblues.de

Hot Shot Blues Band www.hotshotbluesband.de

Igor Prado Band www.myspace.com/igorprado

Innes Sibun www.innessibun.org.uk


Jamie Clarke’s Perfect members.aol.com/homeofperfect

Jan Fischer Bluesband www.janfischerbluesband.de

Jan Hartmann www.janhartmann.ch

Jan Hirte’s Blues Explosion www.janhirte.com

Jeff Jensen Band www.jeffjensenband.com

Jeff Young Band www.jeffyoungmusic.com

Jeff Zima Band www.jeffzima.free.fr

Jersey Julie Band www.jerseyjulie.com

Jesse James King www.nightclubdaddy.ch

Jimi Barbiani Band www.jimibarbianiband.com

Jimmy Reiter Band www.jimmyreiter.de

Jo & Lazy Fellow www.joandlazyfellow.com

Joe Filisko www.filisko.com

Joey Gilmore www.joeythebluesman.com

John Campbelljohn Trio www.campbelljohn.ca

John Primer & The Real Deal Blues Band www.johnprimerblues.com

Johnny Mastro & Mama's Boys www.myspace.com/johnnymastroandmamasboys

Jonn Del Toro Richardson www.reverbnation.com/delgrossodeltororichardsonband

Johnny Rieger Band www.johnnyrieger.de

Josh Smith www.joshsmithguitar.com

>JP Soars & The Red Hots www.jpsoars.com

JR Band www.jrband.comJR Band -------------------------- >

John Kirkbride www.john-kirkbride.com

Justina Lee Brown www.justinaleebrown.com

JW Jones Blues Band   www.jw-jones.com

Khalif Wailin Walter www.myspace.com/khalfwailinwalter

Karl David und Martin Lutz www.alemannischi-songs.de

Karl W Davis www.karlwdavis.com

Kat Balouns Blues and Boogie Kings www.katbaloun.de

King Mo www.kingmo99.com

Klonakilty www.klonakilty.com

Kris Pohlmann Band www.krispohlmann.com

Krissy Matthews www.krissymatthews.com

L8 www.l8-music.de

Larry Griffith www.larrygriffithmusic.com

Last Call www.last-call.be

LeBurn Maddox Grooviticus www.leburn.org

Larry Garner www.larrygarnerbluesman.com

Larry Griffith www.larrygriffithmusic.com

Laurence Jones www.laurencejonesmusic.com

Leif de Leeuw Band www.leifdeleeuw.com

Lightnin' Guy and The >Mighty Gators www.lightninguy.com

Linda Owoo and The Soulutions www.the-soulutions.com

Linda Scanlon and her Band   www.myspace.com/lindascanlon

Little Chevy   www.littlechevy.ch

Little Steve & The Big Beat www.littlesteve.nl

Lord Bishop Rocks www.lordbishop.com

Louisiana Red www.louisiana-red.com

Lubos Bena www.lubosbena.sk

Ludwig Seuss Band www.ludwig-seuss.de

Mac Arnold & Plate Full O'Blues www.macarnold.com

Mad Kitchen www.madkitchen.band/index.php/de/

Many & The Teddyshakers

Manuel Torres Band Band www.manuel-torres.de

Marco Marchi & The Mojo Workers www.marcomarchi.ch

Marcus Eaton www.marcuseaton.com

Marcus Malone www.marcusmalone.com

Marilyn Oliver & Gas Blues Band

Marius Tilly Band www.mariustillyband.com

Mark Wise Band www.mark-wise.com

Marquise Knox www.marquiseknox.com

Mary Sylvester www.marysylvester.com

Mason Casey www.myspace.com/masoncasey

Matej Ptaszek www.lubosbena.sk

Matt Smith www.mattsmithsworld.com

Maurizio Pugno Organ Trio feat. Christiano Arcelli www.mauriziopugno.it

Maxoom www.maxoom.de

Meena Cryle & The Chris Fillmore Band www.meenacryle.com

Mem Shannon & The Membership www.memshannon.com

Mezz www.mezz.de

Michael Pickett www.michaelpickett.com

Mick Pini Band www.mickpini.com

Mike Sponza Blues Convention www.mikesponza.com

Mississippi Bigfoot www.mississippibigfoot.com

Mississippi Mudsharks www.doublebarrelrecords.com

Mitch Kashmars Blues and Boogie Kings www.mitch-kashmar-usa.com

Morblus www.morblus.it

Monster Mike Welch www.monstermikewelch.com

More Experience www.srs-ccs.ch/more-experience/More Experience ------- >

Mz Dee Logwood www.mzdee.com

Neal Black www.myspace.com/nealblack13

Nimmo Brothers www.stevienimmo.com

No Stress Brothers www.nostressbrothers.com

Norman Beaker Band www.normanbeakerband.com

NX 4U www.nx4u.de

Oldtime Blues & Boogie Duo www.ignaznetzer.de

Paul Camilleriwww.paulcamilleri.ch

Paul Reddick & Band www.paulreddick.ca

Pete Haycocks True Blues www.petehaycock.com.

Pete Gavin & the shAnghAi blues gAng www.petegavin.de

Phil Guy & Wentus Blues Band www.philguynothrmule.com

Quickchange Blues Band www.qcbb.de

Ray Fuller   www.rayfuller.com

Ray Hooker and JeanE www.rayandjeane.com

Ray Schinnery   www.rayschinnery.net

Red Beans & Pepper sauce www.redbeansandpeppersauce.com

Reverend Rusty & the Case www.stone-music.com

Richard Bargel & Dead Slow Stampede www.richardbargel.de

RJ Mischo & his Red Hot Blues Band www.rjblues.com

Rich and Famous www.richandfamous.de

Richie Arndt & The Bluenatics www.bluenatics.de

Rob Tognoni www.robtognoni.com

Robert Lighthouse www.robertlighthouse.com

Rockchor Ötlingen www.rockchor-oetlingen.de

Rockin’ Carbonara www.rockin-carbonara.de

Rolling Thunder

Rolling Rollbuehlers www.myspace.com/therockinrollbuehlers

Ron Evans Group www.ron-evans.de

Ron Hacker www.ronhacker.com

Ron Spielman www.ronspielman.de

Roxanne Potvin   www.roxannepotvin.com.

Roy Herrington Band www.royherrington-blues.com

Rudy Rotta Band www.rudyrotta.com

Sam Burckhardt www.samburckhardt.com

Sam Kellys Grooviticus www.samkelly.co.uk/grooviticus

Sandra Hall www.www.allmusic.com/artist/sandra-hall-mn000240694.com

Scarlett Andrews & Christian Christl www.bayoogie.com

>Sean Webster Band www.seanwebsterband.com

Shanna Waterstown & Ocala Blues Hounds www.shannawaterstown.com

>Shaun Booker www.shaunbooker.com

Simon & Simon www.simonholliday.de

Sinnerboy www.sinnerboy.co.uk

Sir Paisley www.mouse-records.de

Smokin' Joe Kubek & Bnois King www.smokinjoekubek.com

Steve Schuffert Band www.steveschuffert.de

Stevens & Burns www.stevensandburns.de

>Strawberry Pickers Sugar Ray & The Bluetones www.sugarrayandthebluetones.com

Sweet Daddy Cool Breeze http://clik.to/sweetdaddy

Sydney Ellis www.sydneyellis.com

Tail Draggerwww.taildraggerbluesband.com

Tee Dee Young www.teedeeyoung.com

Terry Harmonica Beanwww.facebook.com/TerryHarmonicaBean

The 21st Blues and Soul Band www.21bsb.com

>The Bluesbones www.thebluesbones.be

The Boogaloo Kings www.boogalookings.de

>The Boogiesoulmates www.the-boogiesoulmates.de

The Cosmic Charlies www.cosmiccharlies.com

The Gamblers   www.myspace.com/bluesgamblers/

The Manu Hartmann Band www.manuhartmann.ch

The Racketeers www.theracketeers.com

The Sean Carney Band www.seancarneyband.com

The Voyageurs www.thevoyageurs.ch

THEM The Belfast Blues Band

Tiffany Harp www.timogross.com

Tim Mitchell Band www.tiffanyharp.com

Timo Gross Band www.timogross.com

Tino Gonzales Blues Band www.tinogonzales.com

Todd Wolfe Band www.toddwolfe.com

Tom Principato & Powerhouse www.tomprincipato.com

Tomi Leino Blues Band www.tomileino.com

>Tommy Schneller Band www.tommyschneller.de

Tony Spinnerwww.tonyspinner.com

Tori Sparks www.torisparks.com

Trachtenkapelle Badenweilerwww.trachtenkapelle-badenweiler.de

Uwe Herr & The Muddy Boots Vargas Blues Band www.vargasblues.com

Vdelli: Blues Funk Rock from Australia  www.vdelli.com

Walt's Blues Box www.walterbaumgartner.ch

WellBad www.wellbad.de

Wentus Blues Band www.wentusbluesband.com

Werner Lämmerhirt www.werner-laemmerhirt.de

Wes Mackey Band www.wesmackey.com

Will Wilde www.willharmonicawilde.com

Willie J Laws Band www.williejlawsband.com

X-Bluesive www.x-bluesive.npage.de

Zakiya Hooker www.zakiyahooker.com

Zed Mitchell Band www.zedmitchell.com

Zwoa Aloa

Zydeco Annie www.zydecoannie.de